This untitled work was created as a response to Molly Pearson's poem 'Picture This'. It was installed at AlphaVille 2011, in association with V4W and the Young Poets Network:
Molly's poem dealt with the of passing time, of memories of the past and ideas about the future. One of the key ideas in the poem was the present moment's role as a dividing line between the two. You can read the poem in full here.
On the day of the installation, Molly read out her poem in front of the work:
The work was judged by the audience and I'm very pleased to say we came first place! Thanks to Molly for writing such a thought-provoking piece.
I'd like to thank Simon Dell for his support in setting up the microphone in order to provide a clean signal for the software to run. Thanks also to Hayden Anyasi for organising and setting up the homographic vvvv multi-projector environment.
If you want to read more about the process, check out this blog post written shortly afterwards. I have also created a portfolio page for the work here.
Edit: This work has been subsequently titled 'Measure' in 2012.