Last weekend I attended an RGBDToolkit workshop at Eyebeam NYC. I'm posting about it now just because it reminded me how much I enjoy hacking hardware, playing with digital media and exploring new technologies.

The Toolkit is about combining HD video from DSLRs with depth data from PrimeSense-based sensors such as Xtion or Kinect - effectively an early technique for creating 3D cinema. Due to the implementation details there is a particular aesthetic associated with RGBD, but that is true of all media and I'm looking forward to pushing against this aesthetic.
At this stage I just want to note the impact of the workshop. It was great to learn the technique, but more broadly it's re-engaging the artist-geek hybrid within me. And to say thanks to the organizers James George and Alexander Porter, who put together a really good, informative, creative workshop experience.

I have some more material on this that I will come back and post in the next few days, as well as the seeds of a potential collaboration.